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Romantic blood and majestic past;
Flatter the abused, give them scraps,
Or they’ll ask for respect.
Maintain a system
Of perception.
No, don’t call it oppression.
You are made of gold --
white men are like asteroids;
they land where ever they want,
and decimate whatever was there before.
connected by blood and marked differently by hair and villages
they were enticed by our beauty,
we walked the earth with pride
We’ll sail through the galaxies, conquer the stars,
Reach through the cosmos, colonize Mars.
As a spacefaring civilization we’ll find,
Back then the world had just become round,
the map curling and folding,
from a rectangle into a globe.
The people came from
the eastern ocean and thrust
their flags into the ground.
“I will be a flower” Said the seed
And then he was a flower
“I will grow to be the tallest” Said the flower
And he never got chopped by the churning blade
shipped into the American Dream
plundered of their culture
left as empty shells
crushed by greedy hands
tossed into melting pots
molded back into shells
carrying America within.
To the "dear" Mrs. Langerman.
How dare you take advantage of a young child.
She was innocent, sweet and mild.
Just because of her race you stood there
Discriminating and staring with that dark stare.
Wish I was colorblind
Differences weren't relevant
Soon as I was to find
A dog is not an elephant
But what about the hurt
so important color
sep'rating whites from dirt
When I was thirteen,
I had my first f***.
Sex has this positive connotation
Of being greatly enjoyable by both participants
The guy’s feeling fly, girl’s feeling high
And for this feeling,