Poems from JDilli1995

My name is Jamie Dillingham, and I'm 19 years old. I am a graduate of A.C. Reynolds High School, I live in Asheville, North Carolina, and will be attending Warren Wilson College this fall. I search for words in everything, and hope that the ones I find will mean something to other people, and perhaps help them with their life. I am a Glossophile, a Logophile, Anthrophile, and practically a Pantophile. If you like something, let me know. I imagine what I would say to people if ever given the chance, I don't have to speak directly, and that is what's liberating about writing, it's therapeutic in that I can say whatever I feel. I wish more people heard me, but that's okay because still, I am heard. I tend to let the meanings of my work remain up to others. --Oh, and never judge a poem by its title.
For being me, am I not nothing less than I am?
For being fair, am I not nothing less than a man?
For being honest, do I not deserve at...
Given that we,
All we are and be;
The lowly downtrodden,
The once more forgotten,
The captive, and poor
Shall forevermore;
Try to...
You're the light above my head,
You're the ground beneath my feet,
You're the hope inside my dreams,
You're the one that I wanted to find...
Not by words that could be heard,
By words which you should directly listen
I do haptly heed you, take from them what you want:
I am lost,
For no one knows.
The torch alightens,
And shall guide my way
Through times unsettling,
Watch my eyes,
They tell you no...