Nothing Less Than I Am
Bear Creek
Asheville, NC
United States
37° 5' 24.864" N, 95° 42' 46.4076" W
See map: Google Maps
For being me, am I not nothing less than I am?
For being fair, am I not nothing less than a man?
For being honest, do I not deserve at least the truth?
For being wise, am I not nothing less than absolute?
For being unbiased, am I not nothing less than just?
For being trustful, do I not deserve anymore trust?
For me being who I am, while you are who you are,
Can we not agree to let everyone be who they are?
But, for me being me, and for me being human, can I not make mistakes?
Can we not ALL agree that we give what we give and take what we take;
That we do and are as we are,
And what's done us is gone... and very far?