Poems from JDilli1995
My name is Jamie Dillingham, and I'm 19 years old. I am a graduate of A.C. Reynolds High School, I live in Asheville, North Carolina, and will be attending Warren Wilson College this fall. I search for words in everything, and hope that the ones I find will mean something to other people, and perhaps help them with their life. I am a Glossophile, a Logophile, Anthrophile, and practically a Pantophile. If you like something, let me know. I imagine what I would say to people if ever given the chance, I don't have to speak directly, and that is what's liberating about writing, it's therapeutic in that I can say whatever I feel. I wish more people heard me, but that's okay because still, I am heard. I tend to let the meanings of my work remain up to others. --Oh, and never judge a poem by its title.
The road beats on beneath my feet,
It splits the air with every beat
It makes me scared to even speak,
And takes us there when we are...