Who's Going to Hell?
Live in a world where religion is a parody of its own meaning.
Where true love is called perversion,
And a preference is classified as a sickness.
Where our young are nothing but impressionable
In a time where information is easily gained,
While the old and withered
Are the only sane
With their aggressive beliefs.
But violence is justified if it gets the message across.
God would want that.
The epitome of all that is good and peaceful would want that.
And yet
Heaven forbid the religious are called out.
Their responses will always be the same.
"We don’t hate you."
When the meaning behind that is:
"We don’t care what happens to you."
"You're just wrong."
Sure they fake indifference.
Sure they’re ready to preach about equality.
Sure they’re ready to talk about their own problems and their own hardships when in a conversation.
But behind those tightly knit smiles that never crease their eyes,
The words will always be left unspoken
Only to be released when our backs are turned.
Things like
"Them? Yeah, they’re going to hell."
"They chose this life, what more can be done?"
"How disgusting that they trick us by acting normal."
Such a neutral hatred it is that burns within them.
This age needs more Jesus.