the week end's special
The day they said
the world was to end
and so the day the world waited for with fears
but no signs of it all
and the day's work went as usual and on schedule
and some as late as usual
the flights had no disturbances either
and all followed the time tables well
books were borrowed, conferences were held
customers bought things from the shops
taxis moved to and fro, programmes were also held
advanced Christmas and New Year wishes were greeted
even amongst school children
as it was the end of the week
and the vacations were to start
it was the twenty first
and the month was the vice versa
and the year was similar to the month
now everyone would be happy
and would shout in joy
that they are the generation who just crossed the biggest fake news ever
and because of this some put up promotional offers
but some have fears what would the next numbers be
and what month, date and year for the next fall to occur.