To those with hope
The pain and the fear are ghosts,
a fabrication of reality.
In a moment they will appear and then vanish and I will be left wondering why I followed them into the dark.
But, to those spectres I say, “show me the way”
and when they traverse the halls of my mind, I will again follow them into those dark places,
and shut each hatch one by one until all that remains is the light seeping through the cracks of those unexplored rooms,
with only bravery to guide my way.
And if I have no key, ill smash each door until the world appears and my mind knows no limitations,
for after this, a battle fought, a war lost.
and lost
and lost
and then finally won,
I’ll know nothing of impossible.
Then I can open my mouth, and, for once, say what it is I feel,
the words they never wanted to hear,
though every meaningful expression fay be foreign to my tongue,
and I will tell my tale so that my heart can crack open one scaled eye,
finally roused from its slumber,
a dragon to a keep of faith