Slut Shaming
They call me a slut
They call me a slut because I sleep around I guess that’s what they call it
They call me a slut because I am good at making men feel good
I am good at making men feel good because it makes me feel good.
It makes me feel good because most of the time I don’t
Most of the time I am holding back tears
Like a dam about to break
Like a storm about to break
Like a fever about to break
Doing everything I can not to break with them.
Not to shatter like sea glass against the rocks
The truth is that most of the time I am sad
That most of the time I am sad or on the precipice of saditude.
Convincing myself that I’ll never be happy again.
As if every time the sun goes down I forget it will return with the morning.
They call me a slut because they can
Because I don’t stop them
Because I don’t mind too much
I mean what is a slut really
Beyond a word for someone who other people find more fuckable than you?
Or at least someone that allows themself to be more fuckable than you
And maybe it’s a bad thing
Or maybe it’s good
Or maybe it’s just a state of existing
But who’s to say?
Who’s to say you shouldn’t give in to your deepest desires
Or give in to the calling void on the edge of society
But I haven’t yet
I haven’t given in just yet
I am still here
I am still here and tomorrow is calling
Tomorrow is calling and they will call me a slut again
They will call me a slut while I hold his hand and beg god to make him stay
At least a little longer
But they never really stay
And maybe that’s why they call me a slut
Or maybe it’s because they call me a slut
But sometimes they’ll stay for the night
Or the day
Or a week
Or maybe even months will go by
But eventually they’ll leave
Eventually they’ll leave and my hope will leave with them
And I’ll find my way back to this bed
And I’ll look at a new pair of eyes
And hold a new set of hands
While I sit in this bed
The same bed where the tears soaked the sheets the night before
The bed where the sins have counted themselves like sheep
And they’ll call me a slut.
They’ll call me a slut because slut shaming makes them feel good
It makes them feel good because most of the time they don’t
Because most of the time they are holding back tears
Because really we’re not all that different.