Sadness is so peculiar
It creeps up on you, and then bam,
It hits you with its full force
It overpowers you
And you don’t know what to do
You just sit there, weeping, hoping
But the problem is that no one cares
No one is going to help you when you are down
No one will ever be there for you when you are sad
That’s the lie of the world
That we have each other’s backs
But when we really need someone
No one is there
And this sadness, it subsides for a little while
You ignore it and it dies
But only to come back even stronger
To hurt you even more
So much more than you could’ve imagined
And again, we are stuck without a friend
Without anyone
And then, when you decide to do something drastic
People really realize the pain that you felt
The anguish, the tears that you cried
And they feel sorry that they didn’t do anything
That they couldn’t help
That they didn’t know
But the fact of the matter is that they did know,
They knew but they didn’t care
They will never care
Friends are not permanent
Friends will leave
And that’s one of the ugliest truths of life
That someone who is so close to you now
Might be your worst enemy in 2 weeks,
Or 2 days
Or 2 hours
Or 2 minutes
And once we realize this,
We realize how alone we are in this world
How incredibly alone we are
There are people around us, but we’re alone
And that in the end, all of our lives are pathetic
And pointless
And dumb
And then, we just die
Like that,
Erased from existence
Bam, you’re gone, forever