I became a poet when I was born
I became an artist when I died
Putting ink to the paper
helped me feel what was inside
As a babe I saw everything around me
I'd lose sleep so as not to miss a thing
Interest sparked inside my soul
To see what each day would bring
As a child I had no friends
except the ones found in my head
We'd share adventures in my backyard
and read chapter-books in bed
Strange descriptions came to mind
whenever I looked at nature
Inspiration was everywhere
but I was too lazy to get the paper
As a pre-teen I found writing
was a skill that I possessed
It helped me cope with loneliness
and feel a friendly caress
As a teenager I died
Things went way downhill
I almost lost so many times
the gift of life to my own thrills
Years of diagnosises
pills,perscriptions and crying
lost relationships and failures
I constantly gave up trying
Instead of pulling the trigger
taking the knife or rope for dying
I turned to my friend, my laptop
and told the stories I've been hiding
I felt better sharing what I felt
on paper for me and others to see
that way we all feel a connection
and they don't end up like me
Since then I've seen the light
and come to the side of peace
I've joined the ranks of heavenly hosts
Who went through hell to get to this place
I became a poet when I was born,
but battles, I lost some
But that helped me become an artist
when my Kingdom at last did come