Poetry Speaks Where Voices Cannot
Where our voice cannot reach
Poetry is the bridgework
We write what we cannot say out loud
And our voices are deafening
There on the paper
Lay a single question
Yet the question made me falter
“What word would you say defines you?”
What word?
Am I to be summed up in a single word?
To my peers
They say innocent
Too soft, too trusting
That I find it too easy to see the good in people
Giving them redemption when anyone would have given up
In this they says I am weak
That I put others in front of myself
Why should I bear the burdens of others?
To my relatives
They say distant
Often finding me with a thousand voices to speak
Yet not daring to utter one syllable
They are not the only one I have distanced myself from
There is a bitter solace in silence
To them I am small
Insignificant, worthless
I am the dust in the wind
So easily shifted by a breeze
I am made of glass
A single touch
Will shatter me
But I have learned
To define myself
I am not contained in a single word
Not even a library can hold me
I am so much more than they know
Their definitions do not bind me
I do see the good in people
And offer what I can to help
This is not weakness
To have a heart for others
No, you will find that this has strengthened me
I have known pain
I have carried it
And I have survived
You will not find me so easily broken
Yes I dwell in silence
But only to those who don’t know how to listen
So tread lightly
And open your eyes
Don’t be afraid of the flames
For I was forged in the inferno, built from fire
So my acquaintances, I am stronger than you know
I will not be contained in the boundaries you set for me
Nor by the names you give me
I am so much more
So family, learn to hear my voice
It is there, yearning to be heard
If you choose to take the step
You will hear me
My voice is not as frail as you imagine
I am not who you dreamed me to be
I am not the dust
I am the gale itself
And I can not be defined by anyone else
I have written my own story
Wielding my pen as a sword
I have forged my own path
I am my own and I am more than enough.