Every step a little weaker
Every breathe a little harder
No one ever said this would be easier
But no one mentioned it being this hard
Living but not alive
Going deeper in this hell
Every word is a strive
No one sees the struggle
No one sees the try
They make me sick
I just want to kick
And scream so loud
Until I've been deemed crazy
They can take me away
The room will be hazy
Looking at the canvas
That I cannot use
They took my pen
That I chose to abuse
I gave up my power
Now I am stuck
I feel like a tower
Easy to breakdown
I made the wrong choice
I wish I wasn't found
They cannot read my mind
I cannot let them
I must let them find
That everything is fine
So they will let me out
Out of this trap
I cannot shout
I cannot freak
Until I am out
Once I am free
I'll go back in
Into the place
Where everything hurts
And is put in my face
The cycle keeps going
Days on end in my den
But I have my music back
And get a new pen