Melior Est Acquisito
The last time the leaves turned orange
I didn’t take notice
Because I was too busy being sad
And crying myself to sleep at night
And wondering why
I couldn’t be like all my classmates
Who went off to college
And knew what they wanted
The last time the leaves fell
I didn’t take notice
Because I was too busy cutting myself
And sleeping until noon everyday
And wondering why
I couldn’t be like my parents
Who work incredibly hard
And never say a word about it
The last time the Christmas lights went up
I didn’t take notice
Because a man and woman found me
And got me to tell them my anxieties
And I wondered why
I kept everything to myself
When it felt so much better
To be honest and speak up
The last time the snow fell
I took notice
Because my family was spending time together
And I felt normal for once
And I wondered why
Life couldn’t stay this good forever
The last time the flowers bloomed
I took notice
Because I had things to look forward to
And I felt like a person
And I wondered why
I ever felt scared of life
The last time the sun shined
I took notice
Because I had my friends back
And I felt on top of the world
And I wondered why
I ever felt so small
The leaves turned orange again
And I took notice
Because I found the door to my path in life
And I knew it wouldn’t be easy
And I wondered why
It took me this long to realize what I already knew
The leaves fell again
And I took notice
Because I found my soul in the rain
And I knew I had to write about it
And I wondered why
I ever wasted my time on anything else
The Christmas lights went up again
And I took notice
Because I found the woman who changed everything
And I told her about my acceptance to college
And I wondered why
She was crying tears of joy
The snow is falling again
And I’m reveling in it
Because I understand now that life is both beautiful and messy
And instead of wondering why
I’m asking where