Market My Manic Melancholia for Mother Earth
Initially I was a Marketing Major
Set up to learn in the prestigious
Isenberg School of Management
Where I would become an aspiring businesswoman
Where I would first change physically
In the way I sported my style
Goodbye, personalized wardrobe
These articles once carefully collected
Built up for many occasions and just because
But now I would have to reluctantly welcome
A new array of bland uniforms
Tweed suits and painstaking heels
That gave an impression
Of a stiff, uptight woman
Who slaves over projects for products I may not even support
These projects would be made at first in a claustrophobic cubicle
Feeding the demonic force
That fuels our consumer's enthusiasm
And greed to inspire one to feel a need to achieve
The next new innovation, our marketed creation!
Imagine, education in manipulation
...But no, it's a reality, an actual major
Teaching kids with very malleable minds themselves
To twist and tweak an idea so it instills a sense of value
That a buyer just has to have.
A simple apple on our computers
Or a design that is advertised
On the cheeks of our buttocks
Like most males would even guess
How much those designer jeans really cost
And if they really made your butt look better?
Well we may never know
But at least you feel fulfilled with your purchase, I'd hope
It was worth it.
Brands give satisfaction
Or a sense of security
Initially I was a Marketing Major
And you were so proud
That gleam in the retina display of your eyes
In which held your vision for my future
"Business is everything"
"One can market anything"
"Do you want to try on one of my pencil skirts?"
Bah! Like my waist is as miniscule as yours to begin with!
It is the same waist that every manipulated girl dreams for
Her own visions fueled by
Malnourished models on TV
Featured in magazines & plastered on Billboards
So that each time she drives into work
Or opens the latest issue
Or sits down to watch her favorite show
That tiny waist
Held in place by wider hips
And thin, long legs
With a photoshopped face
And a sickening smile
So contagious it is her secret
To catch her illness
But if that goal is too far fetched
She can always buy her looks
The clothes she models
A phone she must call all of her
Godly friends on
Or maybe her physical structure quite literally
With the help of a sickened surgeon.
Initially I was a Marketing Major
Today I study Environmental Design and the Environmental Sciences
I've escaped the deadly epidemic
That robs people of their creativity, confidence and cash
Although I can't say I'm fully immune
The demonic beast is quite the burden
His virus still lurks inside the cells
Of the tainted parts of my mind
I try to kill them with selfless thoughts
Caring for Mother Earth
Who is ill herself, though in another sense
In a way where she is not
Making herself sick
In a bathroom stall
Heaving up what would spawn
Rolls of bellyfat
Inhibiting any chance of getting that waist
No, this is a different debilitating disease
It's strictly environmental and the root of this, you ask?
Just take a look in the reflection
Of your radiation brewing smartphone.
I'll be waiting for the call
When my own wish is granted
And you will praise me
For not being a Marketing Major.