Love like rain
It's the way we hold hands
In the face of adversity.
When you tell me your
Not satisfied.
When you remember my
mothers birthday.
When I can say that I
Made a mistake
And you forgive me
And you help me.
When you feel the pain of loss
And I can say
Me too.
We can be like rain
That can pitter patter onto the parched earth
For each other
We could provide
The rivers to grow forests
And oceans to preserve the vitality of our worlds.
If we follow
The steps of man,
The trees will be severed,
And our teeming seas will sit
We would wither becoming nothing more than dust.
Dust ground from the world that we could have cultivated,
Because when we stepped into our forests and swam in our oceans
We whispered
To ourselves
“How beautiful, how precious,
How useful”
We would leave all that we touched tarnished
For the greed
Of power,
The idea
Of control.
Over something like nature.
And when the task would be complete
and our resources depleted.
Our faces and hands smeared with the ashes
We would move on
To another
Vibrant field, ocean, lake, forest
To another world
To defile
And leave desolate.
And still, we would be parched we would run out,
Because we would be captured in our nuclear winter
Unable to grow
Unable to last.
Nature rises
We let it cry out in the wind,
We let it rage in our summer storms, in our hurricanes
We let it weep through our clouds
And we let its awesome power
The ambitions of corrupted man.
When we flow together
And bend with nature
We will be like blood pulsing through veins
Delivering crimson streams of life
Distilled from
Our quiet talk before bed
Our giggling at an inside joke
Out tears and comforting arms
Purified by
Your readiness
To listen
By my willingness
To speak
Our worlds although
With each beat of our hearts
Grow Fonder
Because I love you
You love me.