Lost In Space
Perhaps one more before I go.
This one is dedicated to the men,
a man’s height beneath the floor.
Sitting in chairs, until the room starts spinning.
Vacant smiles blurring, spinning.
Until the room starts spinning.
On a world that is spinning.
Around a sun that is spinning.
In the Milky Way that’s spinning,
into another galaxy.
I think I’m gonna puke.
But we laugh and we drink
to cover the stink
of superfluous fears
where we try and we fail
Between a blink.
Acceptance and wonder prevail,
while elders tell their tales.
I accept it as a fact,
and live vicariously through that.
Deliverance for the soul.
Providence or black hole?
Living in my core,
pulling me in all directions:
A singularity - infinitely dense.
I convince myself it grounds me.
But the sky is the limit
and the future is up.
However, time is only a dimension
and the sky, but a gaseousness.
If only I could find a way
to remain tangible and relevant
while it grows within me.
It’s gravity will bring everything to me.
and I can do it.
because it has been done.
Do I believe it? Yes.
In me? Yes. And no.
Water and grain alcohol: universal solvents.
Now I am spinning
into the vast vistas of space.
Spinning with smiling face.
Listening to stars tell me how they’ve shined.
Trick of the mind.
Slicker than slime.
Pickled and brined.
Lost in space.