Its Poetry
Its poetry, when you and me
are together, rhythmically.
Touches, kisses, looks in our eyes
Feeling, freedom, to improvise
I’m not in you, with you, I’m within you
And you are on me, but beyond me too
Where are we now? what are we now?
body, mind and Soul, together? how?
we had made our break,we had escaped,
but we can’t shake the world’s weight.
Down! They demand, to leave our cloud,
just to stand, amongst their crowd.
And in that light, many a fight.
Love and Soul, to what, why, wrong and right.
Hearts then begin to beat apart,
our souls wean, and slowly depart.
No touches, kisses, nor locked are our eyes,
Feeling, freedom, all demise.
And the rhythm and poetry,
all cease to be between you, and me.