I Would Let You Love Me
If I could
I would
Go back in time
When we first met
I would look at you
With different eyes
I would thank you
While we sat at a table
In front of the school library
The day you called me beautiful
The day I felt ugly
I would go back in time
and Stop myself from leaving you
From hurting you
and Calling you names
I would go back to yesterday
When I let my anger consume me
and Stop myself,
From letting you go
What i would do instead
Is let you love me
I wouln't stop letting you love me
and I would openly tell you
that I LOVE YOU.
I was afraid of being loved,
you see.
and I'm sorry for continuously hurting you.
Grab me once more
Tell me you love me
Are you there?
I dont deserve you anymore
I deserve this pain
Forgive me
Yet, how could you?
I can't even forgive myself
I feel rotten inside
I am so ugly
I am so alone
I will never be loved
If I could
I would
Go back in time
I would go back to that parking lot
The day you cried
and I would tell you once more
that I LOVE YOU.
I would promise to fight for our love
I would promise to run no more
I would stand by your side
and I would let you love me
But you are gone
Slipped between my fingertips
Because of my bitter anger
Deep inside my soul
It's sad you will never read this,
because you deserve someone better
If i could,
i would.
Go back in time.
I would be a better person
I would be flawless,
and lovable
But if i could
really go back in time
I would hug you one last time
Because you are the only one I have loved
and The only one who wanted to love me
if i could go back in time
I wouldn't change a thing.
But if could
just once
I would just whisper to myself;
"Let Him Love You"
"He's NOT like our father"
"He wont HURT you"
"Put down those WALLS"
"He WANTS to love you"
"Why are you so BLIND?!"
I realized today
That I have made many mistakes.
Yet he forgave me each time.
But today he had not.
Because i ran TOO far
I Love You,
I lOvE yOu
i LoVe YoU
and I will never stop
Because for those nine months
You have always been there.
Yet, i feel
I will never be loved again.