I dont love, I dont love...
“The family and friends of mine,
I dont love, I dont love...
Friends of mine don't show up all the time,
Still have me in their mind,
Borrow my pain, reimburse cheers,
Feel missing when not sharing grief and joy,
They are direction to my peace of mind,
Yet, I dont love, I dont love...
Mom who carried me for nine months,
Showed the way to earth,
Stood side by side of my pain and joy,
Watched and cared each step of rise and fall,
Her emotions so strong, I miss her when not around,
Yet, I don't love, I don't love...
Wife! don't know what is she,
What all I know, She is my home, she is my joy,
Fights all the day as she does with kids of mine,
But cares all the time when I need,
My Despair vanishes with her hug and kiss,
Feel relieved when sharing my day,
Feel lonely when not around,
Yet, I don't love I don't love...
kids of mine are my inspiration,
The innocent smile exhilarate my soul and heart,
Reminds me my past, enjoy watching them rise,
Raises emotional feelings inside,
that I am with purpose on this earth,
Feel miserable when not around,
Yet, I don't love I don't love...
Their touch is so intense,
They are no different, But my part,
If one is eye, the other is heart,
I never said I love my love heart, eye or other of me.
They are me and solely me, solely me...
World is dark with no eye, extinct with no heart,
Yet, I don't love, I dont love.
They are me, they are me,
Never said once in life I love me, i love i”
© Sadashivan Nair. All rights reserved