I am not exist
My life is miserable like yours
I don't understand why
I wish I don't exist
So it will never happen
I am grieving
All fake friends are around
I am begging you to stop
You are stubborn
I become weak
I am trying to stay strong
I couldn't
My energy runs out
Why me why me why me
All of them happen to me
I don't deserve that
I am lost
I am lonely
I don't know what to do
I ask a professional help
And it didn't work
It get worser and worser
I get weak and weaker
I lost my energy
I feel loveless
I need to be loved
But I don't deserve that
I don't know what to do
I just want to be happy
I am jealous of you
You have good life than I have
You are lucky to be loved
You have great friends
I am not exist
I don't want to be exist on this earth
Crying, grieving, depressing
I am done with this!