I Am A Liar
I am a liar and I lie to myself everyday
Wake up every morning, telling myself that it’s just another day
But I already know what kind of day it is
I’ll be just like every yesterday that I hated
I tell myself that I don’t need a mirror, I look perfect
Just a stuck-up lie, giving me a reason to avoid my reflection
Because the man in the mirror only shows me my imperfections
The reasons I have to keep living are the ones that keep my mind astray
My thoughts are sometimes pushed aside to float peacefully on the ocean
While others are not so luck and are jailed at the back of my throat
Just waiting to escape from my lips after being tortured to stay silent
I mask myself all day behind a glass wall that no one can see through
And anyone trying to tap on the glass was told to move along
As if the self-doubt they see in me is just an illusion of what’s true
A book cover cleverly edited to ease the tension of what’s prolonged
I am a liar and I lie to them to get through the day
My teachers think I’m one of the AP slash honor students who keeps to himself
They don’t know how anxious I get about the future and how much I think about killing myself
My friends see a classmate who knows everything and can always help with their homework
They forget how much I overwork to the point where I almost stop sleeping
I’ve already stopped dreaming ever since I thought about how to be more appealing
Using weights that can only lift for so much compensation from self-consciousness
I’ve procrastinated because a mistake is not made by a perfectionist
My parents see a son with good grades and a potential future
But a single B has made me feel like a complete failure
No one worries about me because I’ve kept a smile on for as long as I can remember
And I’ve managed to convince myself that I am happy with delusional memories
I may be a liar but this poem is not a lie
Because my art and poetry are the only places I cannot deny me
Before this poem, this is who I use to be