A Head of Hearts
Thoughts invite Emotions to a dance
An elegant waltz
They don't skip a step
For the fear of telling the story wrong looms over their heads like the gleaming chandelier
Held together like glue
The 2 too tough to pull apart
My body, Their dance floor
Their fine art, swift movements, The words that dance from my mouth
Their chemistry bonded chemically
As eyes lock and hands hold firm
Music of the world sewing them togther
Snip a single stitch and
Catastrophy awaits
Failure to my nerve system
Organ failure
Frightening forclosure of my being
For others
Head and heart remain as the wall flowers they are
Shooting glances like bullets
Mouthing words over the symphony they didn't know how to dance to
They sit apart for their better
But mine come togther
My heart ,using my ribs as steps crossing the spine of a dance floor
To reach my head
You'd belive it to be better for the partnership to court
Though it is not
For when they dance, their steps shake the ballroom
Self destruction
2 sides fighting to lead
Leaving me the only one sitting alone at the table