I'm not one for rapping
But I feel like it's me your attacking
Judging grudging
Your supposed to be my friends
Oh wait I forgot I'm not apart of the pack
Just the plus one
While you guys say
Hush here she comes
Treating me like an anomaly
While one tells me
Trust me it's not a luxury
I listen because when the one who's fixing
Upset at how I and another get treated
Talking about us behind our backs
Like it's all fine and Handy
Hush and smile
I act dandy
I'm not one for rapping
But I'm busting out rhymes
Like how criminals do crime
Were supposed to be friends
To the end
Yet when I sit people don't want to talk
Well it depends on the topic
Because secrets shouldn't be shared
With the in which there scared
They know I'm proactive
Why are they being so reactive
Unless I'm deactive
While the cats away
The mice will play
There silent whispers
Talking about the misses and mister
They call one friends
Look at this?
It ended
Now look how stupid I look
Now look how hurt he is
Damn man you guys are effed up like shiz
Now u didn't tell him
So apparently it's my burden
She told me and I herd something else
So I didn't tell him
But damn
Wasn't I supposed to be the one he was able to depend
Now look
He most likley wants me gone
But my minds pacing
Heart racing
What the hell did I do
Now out of the blue
I'm screwed?
If I would have told
I would have been scolded
"If you did it he could have worked and had the chance to be the best boyfriend ever"
You don't understand
He would have worried
Not have been merry
Its a loose loose situation
Now my nightmares have come true
What did I do
I'm sorry he's right
I shpuld have told you
But damn I can't win
This is treating me apart
And instead of being happy
He feels crappy
And I'm automatically the criminal
Love is blind
His heart is broken
Wares this slut so I can make it work
Damn I'm not one for match making
Why was I debating it's all my fault
I wanted to see him happy
Now look how it's turned out
Shit he won't ever talk to me again
With out a doubt
I'm the culprit
Rest in peace
My intuition was right
But I put up a stupid fight
I shpuld have told him
Because she didn't even like him
I should have told him
Because she only agreed to test waters
To see how he would be
To have somebody when she's lonely
I should have told him
Now he's broken
Why do I carry a burden
Because I know he's the one I love
I can't help him
Because a friend
Can never mend
What vould have been
Especially when
I could have told him
I'm not one for rapping
But the devil is certainly have been attacking
Knowing my weakness
Causing darkness
There goes our friendship
I just herd the door close
In fact it slammed
I was supposed to be there friends
But look how that turned out
Now I'm lonlier than ever with out a doubt
I'm not a criminal
But this situation is critical
I murdered somebody
That person was my trust and his
Now I look like the kid
I was supposed to be the only one he could trust
Now because of what I herd
The little bird
Flew back up
Damn this isn't what I wanted
But that's how it seems
I hate being a teen
Being in between
Being mean
Talking about me
Oh look
I made a scene
But this scene is done
What you did is wrong
I'm out
No doubt
Fly Fly Fly
I'll say
By By By