Finding New Love After Heartbreak...Is Awesome.
The backlight shines bright on my smartphone tonight
It blinds me, hurts my eyes
Yet I still look to see a message waiting
To my surprise, it's my boyfriend
Texting me two hours before sunrise
I eagerly open it expecting a message of affection
But to my revelation
It is a note of dismissal
Saying 'I'm sorry, I really enjoyed our time
But unfortunately I changed my mind
You are too perfect for me, You can't be mine
Perhaps we can be friends in another life.'
I feel hurt, I feel rage
I feel betrayed and staged
Two years of love gone
Washed down the drain
Can I move on after this?
Can I love again?
Time passes after the heartbreak though
The tears I shed dried very slow
But love came once more in the form of a boy
Who saw I was beautiful
Even with no smile or joy
He softened my heart
Which was hard as stone
And whispered in my ear to let me know,
'You are awesome,' everyday or so
I never wanted to let anyone back in
How cruel love seemed to me back then
But now love is ready for me
And I am ready for it
Finally I have found new love again...
And it is awesome.