What is failure?
For me, failure is unhappiness.
I want to be successful with my education to form my future.
Will my future be filled with happiness?
Or will it be filled of missed opportunities and regret?
I hope that my work ethic and love of learning will shield me.
Shielding me from any and all doubts I might have of the Future.
This grants me hope of a fulfilled life.
Free from unhappiness and strife.
My choices will decide my future.
They determine if my life will filled with happiness.
For if I’m unhappy, my decisions and hard work will be for nothing.
They would be for nothing, because I would be failing at achieving happiness.
With help, this image of a future is more clear.
I have more hope of paving a path.
A path that will lead me to success.
Then, I can look failure in the face
and turn away.
Only because I have defeated my only only fear
by becoming a success.