Elementary, My Dearest
In the beginning
I always considered myself to be like Sherlock Holmes
Logical, a little impractical, stubborn, and
Not by anything other than choice of course.
But alone nonetheless
I was cold hearted, sarcastic, my tongue made of silver
“Not a sliver of sympathy could pass through her.”
Was what my classmates often hissed about me
Oh, how horrendously, terribly wrong they all were.
Because in the end, I met someone.
I melted.
The simple chemical composition of endorphins took over my brain and I
Never have felt better.
It was like a drug but then it wasn’t.
He was like a drug
And he told me I was too.
He still tells me that.
He had an odd name that matched mine
Part of me wanted to invite him to come help me fight crime
Two oddly-named, incredibly smart people
Of course that could only lead to vigilante work
But rather than saying yes, he said yes only if I would sit and talk
Just for a while
And in that while I found a boy who didn’t want my heart unless I said it was okay, who hung on my every word and listened and asked how I was doing.
And I gave the sentiment back.
This boy pulled me out of the dark and I didn’t quite notice it until the end of the year. And when I asked him how.
He responded with
“Elementary, my dearest. You put me back together first. It is customary to do the same.”
Of course that’s not what he actually said that would be insane
It felt like he spoke that way
A proper British gentleman with a shaggy brown hair cut that fluffed into his eyes
His beautiful green eyes, well, I say green but really sometimes they’re blue and other times a mix
His eyes sure as hell gave my heart a kick
Anytime I cried he would come to me
Not call me a baby
But for once I got an “It’s okay.”
This boy didn’t just pull me out of the dark.
He taught me that it is okay to enjoy things
Like the singing of a lark
Or the small
That raindrops make on tin roofs
He taught me it’s okay to feel
It’s okay to be completely and utterly real
My heart is not made of stone or ice
Though it might have been nice
It was illogical to believe it in the first place
Holmes and I make the same kind of mistakes
But as long as he holds me, and lets me wear his clothes
I don’t mind being wrong
And in the end with him, 2016 wasn’t so long
And now with I get to be with him
The 2017 game is on!