Ce Que Tu Représentes Pour Moi
Have anyone ever told you,
Ce que tu représentes pour moi?
It's a topic that might make you shiver,
With either fear or light,
Something that can warm you,
Something that can freeze you,
Do you know ce que tu représentes pour moi?
It's very much love,
amour, cariad, amore, liebe, gra,
I want you to know what you mean to me,
Sometimes I feel like you can't see it,
You can't read it as you look at me in the les yeux,
Just listen to me and I'll tell you,
Vous voulez dire to me much more than flowers that bloom as you smile can be much more natural than what others can think,
Was meinen Sie to me much more than the palabras that others can say to me,
Tu dicis to me much more than the actions that the outras take part in to please me,
Você significa o mundo para mim,
And I wanted you to know,
This may not be the love that you see on a show,
May us stay forever as lovers,
Familia, Amigos, Gente,
Para siempre,
Have anyone told you,
Ce que tu représentes pour moi?
Because I did.