As I stand in the sunshine in the garden by the little shrine,
My Nonna’s little shrine of humble fig trees,
And look at the vast blue sky,
Endless scope of space and time
Encompassing the conscious and the unconscious with
The harmony of the physical world
It’s croaks and chirps, squeals and squeaks
Held still beneath the sunshine
And when, as the wind whistles softly through the air,
A flutter of wings, so delicately merged
With the isolated wilderness around me
And I look up:
An indigo flame blurred against the pale sky,
Her back inked with black defense,
The legs flitting through my hair, where she lands,
Our souls one
You are here! You are here! I have found you!
At once you become the sky, the wind, the trees
Freeing me from the awful demands of consciousness
Free of demands and responsibilities,
Of pain and struggle
An immediate, felt reality rather than a
Yearning, yearning for peace and security
For you are here, now
And leave my hair only too soon so that
I want to cry out, “Come back!”
She dances around my empty hand,
The magic of the moment stretching my lips from cheek to cheek
Until she lands nimbly on a dangling fig leaf
And her gaze holds me,
Close, and it enfolds me, touches me
With feelings that change and quiver,
I sought to escape from the demanding liberation that is
Life in all its glory
Our dependencies of death and desires for
Experience that is unconscious, unreal, unliving,
An oblivion of uttermost living
She is there for release, for just one moment
And then gone
My perfect state of harmony left bittersweet,
I touch the leaf where she last sat,
Thriving in me the grievous feelings which
Death has brought
Its power lifted from me for just one moment
And I possess my own soul in the strength within me
The deep, rich aloneness, deep and alone
A sanctuary of darkness fooled by the sky’s light
Then I watched from the depths of my heart
Her wings, as elegant as they were in life,
Beating the wind beneath them as she soared through eternity
Into the endless scope of space and time
A harmonic lullaby of wind and trees and birds,
All beneath the sky as she
Journeys a long, long journey to the
Sweet home of isolated light above
So far away from our darkness below, as I
Stand alone once more in the garden by the little shrine,
Where my Nonna once stood, and the serenity
Of her spirit wavering in my heart like water thrilled with light
My aggressive declaration against death no longer needed
For in the sparkling rays on the fig trees
Dance the shadows of the mystical creatures that
Nature calls butterflies