On the Brink
What a nut
What a crazy girl
She’s lost her mind
She is lost
She has no guide
Her pain suffers
It’s trapped inside
She walks to the edge of a building
She believes she can fly
Where is her savior?
Look at her eyes
So still and drained of life and purpose
Her heart is faint
Her head is light
Her life flashes before her soulless eyes
She steps closer to the edge…
A bead of sweat cascades down the center of her forehead
In her lost mind, she is just lying in her bed
Death is not beneath her feet
She’s just dreaming
She has no recollection of her reality
She sees, but she is truly blind
She doesn’t see the power and virtue in herself
She is losing her mind
Or maybe she has already lost it
She sees no light at the end of life’s dark tunnel
As one foot dangles over the edge,
She takes her last deep breath
She no longer feels worried, nor scared
She is ready to become an essence of the universe
She is ready to be made anew,
Into anything but an enslaved shell we all call a body
In that tranquil moment
She leans forward to plummet into an untimely death
She hears her own heartbeat for the first time
Her mind wanted her to believe she wasn’t worried or scared, but when she heard her own heartbeat…
The fast rhythm of true anxiety,
She became aware of her livelihood
She no longer felt numb and non-living
She grasped her chest and launched herself over….
To the left of the building
She bruised her elbows, knees and her ego
She just saved her own life
She was looking for the light in the dark tunnel of life,
The light was always right before her, within her
Her mind had become toxic and it blinded her
She became crazed with death, she wanted to become the essence of death and relieve the world of her cynical thoughts
She realized that death was harder than life
The sun began to rise in the horizon
It kissed her bruised chin and cheek
It praised her ego, it healed her repressed soul
It enlightened her desolate mind
It breathed a new breath into her breathless body
She had never breathed so effortlessly
She welcomed the light into her mind, body and spirit
She became anew with the universe
She found her lost self in a moment of her deepest despair
She was ready to leave this world and within the same moment, she became a part of the world that she didn’t think she belonged to