I know that you are out there!
Please come and talk,
To a girl who feels all alone,
A girl that feels so lost.
I am bisexual,
Yes, we exist.
I am not hiding that I am gay,
I am not a selfish human being.
I just another person,
All I want is love.
Man or woman I care not.
But I need to keep it hidden,
I need to keep myself safe.
I know I'm not accept by the human race.
I am according to some "a gay in denial"
To others I am just confused,
My 'decision' repulsive in all styles.
It wasn't my choice!
What can I tell you?
I live in an in between.
I only want love,
But it is too difficult for my reality.
So here I am,
Another bisexual.
But I can never be proud.
I am just am insecure sixteen year old,
Who can't see the beauty in herself.
I can't be proud when I hate my body,
When I know I don't belong.
When something that wasn't my choice is rejected,
When I can't be myself.