Baggage Claim (The Catch)
Baggage Claim
To those who view their past,
As a lesson.
Simply sit back and do yourself a favor-
Commit to confession.
Sift through the bags which look-
Oh so similar on the outside.
Only to find the content oh so-
A beautiful bag-
Of “Stuff”
Can only be that,
Full of untamed laundry,
No one knowing if it was Dirty-
Or Clean.
The mixing of things,
For more Dirt is what they shall fling.
This baggage, of what you thought you had,
Or wanted,
But needed,
And couldn’t find-
Is not what you bargained for.
Oh no!
As you unpack,
You will find beautiful treasures-
Which somehow fluctuate to the top.
While all dirt seems to be showed-
This baggage,
The one you thought you had,
Or wanted,
But needed,
And couldn’t find,
Is a mess!
So, back to luggage claim is it?
Or do you take on such an undying-
Amongst this baggage,
You have yet to sift through your own.
It may be best to check the “stuff”
Before you make it all the way home.