America the Ignorant
I remember hearing stories of a
Country wherein the citizens were free
To love and believe in whoever they
So desired, but that was in the past.
Since then things have changed and what we once knew
To be "freedom" is now "abnormal" and
"Wrong" and I realize that even here
In the "land of the free" there are freedoms
We are not permitted all because of
The majority's ignorance and their
Unwillingness to get all the facts and
Hear all the sides of all the stories if
There's even a small chance that they won't like
Whatever truths contradict their beliefs.
To love and be loved regardless of sex,
To believe differently without fear of
Violent discrimination and insults,
And to practice our amendments and bear
Arms so that we may defend ourselves and
Those we hold most near and dear to our hearts.
Individual selfishness is fine,
But when the individual becomes
The majority through blind shepherding,
Why then, should knowledgeable lambs suffer
To hide their feelings and religious ties?
For a man to love another man and
So the Muslim may go unpunished for
The actions of her estranged brethren,
I say we put an end to ignorance
And ensure that everyone knows the truth
Of love, government, religion, and health
So that they may be tolerant of those
Who are different from themselves, and civil
Towards those who think and love differently
From people with many generations
Stuck in archaic, traditional views,
I say there must be mandatory change-
In education so that we all may
Learn all the facts in all of our classes,
And from our peers learn what it means to live
And love and respect those of us who are
Younger and older than they, and those who
Are extreme and those who are moderate,
And those who seek God and those of Allah.
So that we all may be undivided
And know the grey of things- not black and white-
Let us all learn, willing or averse.