Alive I am Alive yes I am Alive
My bones tingle with the energy of life itself
The energy of life surrounds me it protects me it cradles me, guides me
guidance that watches as I become one with that vast road after 6 before 9 I look in my glass made field of vision
and I am alert
alert like the dog and his mailman
I am alert
alert like the soldier and his enemy
I am alert.
My mind focused and my intentions clear
I make onward press to my education most near and dear.
behold this day of higher teachings and higher truths does not belong to me
For I am destined to become the victim of circumstance's wet road
circumstance's winter wet road
as I make contact with the 80,000 pound 18 wheeled personification of doom and despair
death and tragedy
bold and might
and from this contact, my steel against his heavy steel
I spin, twirling like the pinwheel in a little girl's hand on a summer day
Here I am with clear motives heading towards that higher learning and now I sit hear spinning on this vast wet road
Time Slows
My Heart Calms
Moment of Clarity
As I attempt to make my steel my own once more I become one with another personification of doom,
thats what I called double doom
and yet my mental is vital
as a direct my wheel of control towards the dirt of mother earth
Time resumes
I climb out victorious, unscathed
There I stood 6 feet 2 inches tall in front of twisted metal
skin still black like the kettle whistling on a cold winter day
dazed and confused i could not help but look upon the heavens and say thank you
thank you for this chance you have given me
thank you for this guidance you have blessed me with
thank you for this protection you have granted me
thank you
for here I stand upon this cold dirt watching the cars past fast before me
I am Alive.