9/11 Commemoration Poem
At five years old, I hardly understood
The tragedy that had just occurred.
I vaguely remember my kindergarten teacher
Frantically racing from one room to another
Desperately trying to gather information
And hold back emotions that would worry the children.
At that time, I knew nothing of terrorism;
I couldn’t understand why such men
Would harm our country in the name of religion.
Shame be to those individuals’ poisonous decisions,
But we can now reflect on 9/11
And applaud the citizens who showed great heroism.
I commend the emergency personnel who blared their sirens,
And all those who took control of the chaotic situation.
During this time, Americans supported each other
And prayers were recited with somber demeanor.
But despite the devastation, many found comfort in God’s word,
For we do know that all things work together for good.