50 lives from now
50 lives from now the glaciers will melt
the rate at which ice leaves the planet is caused by us.
we did this.
it was one thing to unknowingly bring such positive change to the world
with our new gadgets and gear,
but now that we know the negativity of its outcome,
we still
continue to commit the acts against protecting our homes
our lives
our love
the 'leader of my nation'
the great United States
voted against bringing the earth to the hospital it needs
he allowed for this to continue
he gave his approval for the continuation of the ruin of the single planet we know in existence
to prosper life as we know it
he allowed this
we live in a divided earth where leaders fight for the health of our planet's and our own lives
we have good people wanting to inspire change
but we reject their speeches
we reject what they tell us because we grew up in a world where we were told:
"don't believe it unless you can see it"
we wait for the day where there is no turning back from the pain we will cause 50 lives from now to feel
50 lives from now the glaciers will melt
and cities as beautiful as the ones i've longed to visit and live in will only be memory
new york city, tokyo, berlin
entire countries submerged:
the netherlands, bangladesh
oceans widening and rising and seas coming together
we will cause an age where ice is only a myth and there won't need to be tales of the north pole or south
there won't be anyone to "live" there anyway
we will cause a youth to grow up never knowing the nature and beauty of the ethereal
landscapes we've been gifted at our birth
our actions toward the health of our planet is a middle finger flipping off the kid who will be our
50th grandkid from now
we're leading the movement toward an irreversible change in our planet
we're reaching the future predicted by the YA novels we grew up on
we believed it all fiction nad many still do
but we live in the reality that without a major change we won't gro up to have the same world we did at our births
there's still time.
there is time to turn our heads to finally face the problem we as a race have cuased
even if we don't want to do it for the sake of every single living species harmed by the problem
even if we only do it for our egotistical, superior motives
at least we would finally move to a time for change
a time for new resources to be used even at the sake of our money
because there won't be any money left without the trees on which to grow it on
does he not understand that?
nothing we live for and do in our lives will matter if we're not living
it won't matter if we're dead before we finish our own motives
we can afford to spend a moment of our time fighting for the health of the only other being as important to the sake of our lives as our own
can nobody see that?
no one but the few heroically fighting for the cause my own "leader" is too cowardly to fight?
can we not acknowledge for once that without our earth er cease to exist?
50 lives from now humanity will begin to realize the error we made in not shifting course for the better
5,000 years ago
the rate we go at our "human activities", we will be reaching the worst possible outcome for our earth
what's the harm in helping the world for a change instead of just taking from her?
50 lives from now we won't be forgiven
we ,ay never live to see our 50 lives from now but on our deathbeds then
we will begin to understand the pain we have cuased to those who will feel the pang most
50 lives from now