A Train to Wherever You're Headed
As you stare out the window
of your quickly moving train car,
the landscape, blurred, is ashen and bare,
and the pitter-patter of rain on the thin metal roof
never stops.
You are lost, and have been for years,
lost in this day-to-day monotony.
(Who could help but lose themselves without
learning to find hope, love, happiness
in the little moments of everyday life?)
The melancholy and gloom are passengers
to accompany you,
(along with the chugga-chuggas and drip-drip-drips)
to, well, wherever it is you're going.
(an end; or, perhaps, a beginning)
That is, until one day,
the rain stops, the train slows, and as a dazzling sun appears,
you glimpse the smile of a lover,
upside-down and crooked but radiant, in a fragile rainbow;
And you realize, at last, at last,
that perhaps you'd have seen this all before,
if you hadn't been going so fast.