Little Things She Loves
Breaking silence, her
voice, quiet hope to create
in her a pure heart.
Lullabies soothing
her angel hums, sings, cooing;
Preciously she sleeps.
Dreams of Heaven’s gates.
The warm morning music wakes.
Then she comes alive.
Spirit waves she knows.
Wraps melodies with laced bow;
gifts that leap and spin.
Sweet forehead kisses,
sweet dandelion wishes-
little things she loves.
In love every day
she falls, delights in the Way,
knowing Love Himself.
Knows her violin
sings her body from within;
her gifts from Heaven.
Sweet cider sips she,
warm, fuzzy inside, with glee;
smiles shine on her face.
Noon’s sun in her hair,
wind, warmth, breeze away her cares;
outside she is born.
A meadow green, bright.
Making good from bad, she writes;
pretty she makes it.
Pictures clear she takes:
leaves on trees, fog, hills, rocks, lakes;
brings the world her joy.
Evening; the sky dims.
Savory sweet, feeds her whims,
aliments her soul.
Underfoot, Earth silk
turns to wood. She sips warm milk.
She names her blanket
“Night”; still, quietly,
heart whispers of her day. She
appreciates it.
Breaking silence, her
voice, quiet hope to create
in her a pure heart.
Lullabies soothing
her angel hums, sings, cooing;
Preciously she sleeps.