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I don’t know who I am.
Behind the scenes,
a chameleon in costume.
Dresses of armor and eyeliner sharp like a knife,
Once upon a time I admired kaleidoscopes.
A single spin and wonders unveiled
Enthralling crystals contort [such twisted patterns].
Like so, take a spin,
And I will don another face, another persona,
She looks like she hasn't slept in days
I want to ask if the bags under her eyes are too heavy for her face.
Big Girl.
I am a big girl,
And they don't cry right?
They don't show off their
Broken bones, broken hearts, broken anything
Like a shiny, new toy.
A shot in the dark
An idea that just might jump start your heart
A tiny spark
A shot in the dark
I have no apology for my theology
I need God and so do you