dark poetry
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There was a monster inside of me
A monster forged with fireand rageprimed to attack.
No sacrificeno victory
The call of the sirenfading into the nighther eyes bored into my soul
My feet hang down, warmed by the freezing water
My soles brushing the pebbles that cover the bottom
It feels as though the water is trying to drag my body away
It wasn’t something you’d expect
I never thought it would be her
That the kindest person I’d ever met
Could possibly be the killer
The single person I latched onto
everybody dies, everything else is lies. this is the only truth, there is no surprise. no matter where you hide, death will come and find you. it was meant to be, it will remind you. it won't hear you scream, it won't wipe your tears.it will stand
another day living among the void and the darkness.. sitting in my usual corner and wondering why i become so heartless.
"Shut up you slut! You like this! You love it!"
She screamed into my ear
Hot fiery breath
As if she ate hell for breakfast
And fucked me for desert
I hated her
I wanted her gone
Myself in actuality is not what people see.
I'm no pretty face walking down the street,
I'm no dainty damsel you care to meet.
I am a woman dressed in courage, living in the moment.