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A book made of secrets,
from the bottom of the lake,
the shattered home life,
and the top of the Catskills.
If the lined pages
Were a prison
Then the words
Were the prisoners
Whose sentences
My mind was not quite right,
my thoughts would give me a fright,
grabbed me a journal,
made the thoughts external,
and now I'm feeling alright.
I’ve once read an entry
From a journal far far away
He wrote about somebody
Who could do anything but stay
On that paper he wrote
To other people, poetry would just be words that rhyme,
but to me,
poetry is a diary,
a book full of memorie
and a novel of my stories
it have tales that I had never told to anyone
The ironic thing about my diary is the word "believe" on it's front cover
It's detailed in life's hue- green- with flowers and vines creeping over
Though it's filled with many dreams
It's filled with twice as many screams
Voices, voices every where.
Where are you? I'm really scared.
I'm shivering all alone.
Where are you? Where's my phone?
It's not a special book,
like the ones you see on TV,
but it's mine and it means a lot to me.
It doesn't have sparkles on the cover,
like the ones the pretty girls have,
I write in you
My mother says it’s childish
My innermost thoughts
My secrets
Locked safely in the tear wrinkled pages of your tattered spirit
Burdened with my shameful exploits of debauchery and lust
Crack the code of my spine
And read between the lines
From pages of the diary that’s written in my eyes
Invisible ink in my skin
Marks the flesh that seals me in
It ties and binds, ties and binds
I know your fears,
And sense you tears,
I know your dreams,
And sense your smile gleam.
Although you share with me
What others will not see,
I am silenced by your brushing hand,
I know your fears,
I sense your tears,
I know your dreams,
And sense your smile gleam.
Although you share with me
What others will not see,
I am silenced by your brushing hand,
Why are you so long away?
I wish that we could talk awhile
It seems to me we think alike
And suffer in our minds like trials
My only friend at this point seems to be a simple journal I write on every night. I will finish my last page today as a goodbye to my existence:
Dear Friend,
My pencil was a blade,
my eraser was the shield.
My inner demons spilled onto the page,
no matter what emotion from joy to rage.
He looked at Me today.. He didn't speak but He peeped at Me today.. I caught that little smirk, I still consider him a jerk for the way he portrays himself around school, but its all cool.