'Death of loved one'
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Me and my boo, together today.
Me and my baby, sharing a parfeit.
Soon a question must be asked,
But it's a very daunting task...
Will she like it? Will she agree?
Moving to a strange country.
You're so young and get married so abruptly,
To a man you were forced to love, and you're going to have a baby.
You move from Italy to Queens, where the people are pretty shady
My grief is not your game
Do not speak on her name
My mind hasn't been the same
Since her life ended
Another relationship I never mended
Death seems so inviting
Death lurks on every doorstep.Waiting to be let inside. This time my grandpa was his quarry.Before it was my dad and grandma. This time was different,This time I was different.
I know what it means to be heartbroken.
To feel like you’ve got nothing left;
To feel like your world has turned completely upside down;
And you believe that everyone has moved on,
But you cannot catch up.
My father passes.
With him, my world also fades.
My life is broken.
All hope is now gone.
What can I possibly have now?
Jesus, my Saviour.
After a few years,
I watched the light fade from her eyes.
She left this world as but a whisper in the wind; being forgotten in an instant.
The cosmos opened up to her and welcomed her home,
"Hey, look this way," the deepest darkest monster of them all was whispering.
Grab that knife
Grab the pills
Grab the razor
Grab something that will take your life
You emobody the vessel of pure isolation
what more of an effect could you embrace me with
for your friend has seduced the one who's given me life into a life of nevermore
and now we stand face to face
The car parked abruptly. Lungs, ached with pain. I miss you ugly As the sun came to an end,
Embrace my figure one last timewith fingers
curled into my hair;
To my lost family and friends,
I miss you.
I miss everything about you.
I cry about you a lot.
I read a poem called, "Do Not Stand By My Grave and Weep,"
It's by Mary Elizabeth Fryre.
Broken Harts
Nineteen year old mother,
Father and mother don’t love each other?
Father not around,
Mother crying on the ground.
Dear Daddy,
My days are spent living in a shade of grey,
With a shadow lingering in my mind like a distant memory,
And a heaviness felt within the depths of my chest.
Rage against the dying of the light
Some say put up the fight of your life
Not for you but for them don't look into the night
To stay is to follow
To follow is right
To follow in masses
Found on these steps you lie,
Tucking me good night
Before you left.
Stopped. Eyes wide.
Love was found
In your
And you taught me to keep it there,
You began by holding my hand
destroying all my obstacles,
holding me when I couldn't stand.
Though it began with late night scary dreams,
for which you were prepared;
Rest in Peace, my weary soul.
Let diamonds dance into that space—
Though mem’ries cannot fill the hole
Their power can illuminate
Each crack and strain that first appeared
When the one I love respired
Match strikes box
Friction becomes flame
Slowly, steadily
The hand stretches to reach its goal.
1920s, New York
A young woman,
There is a cliff, a very steep cliff on the isle of dread and woe.
Oft I've stood there on the cliff and gazed at the rocks below.
The cliff has stood on the edge of the isle as long as I have known.