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He fights every battle He seizes every throne He brings bloodshed and destruction To every home   He kills with no mercy
A long time ago, war was small. War was local, contained. Ares, then the god of war, led the world to fight itself, ingrained hatred in all of humanity.  
I tell the tale of a family violent and free and unpredictable  No soul would believe they existed in our everyday lives 
I was shocked as I peered out the gaping hole my wall, crumbled, disintegrated proved the destruction was total I could not believe that master of war turned my beloved country into a bloody shore
Harsh, bright light -  A concussion  Ringing in your ears.  Feelings of regret, Yet of power.  Sorry, not sorry Never apologize
Friday night lights God of war in sight Ball in his hand This field is his land The God of war Is a common folklore But on the field He becomes very much real The opposing team tenses
Ares persuaded Athena For nuclear physics advancement Ares funded Athena For medicine weaponization Ares lobbied Athena For drone and AI improvement
Ares persuaded Athena For nuclear physics advancement Ares funded Athena For medicine weaponization Ares lobbied Athena For drone and AI improvement
Good and evil, Heaven and Nevaeh, Amorous and grotesque, Brother and brother, Cousins alike, Ares and Hephaestus.  
Venus, From the salt and the spray, She of great beauty emerged from the sea. She looked upon the beauty and plenty of the earth. Grass, green and lush. Trees, fruitful and sweet. She smiled,
I was caught between a rock and a hard place. The ancient cliché was literal. I was in the dust storm and the moon seemed tiny. 18 was the number and it seemed it would stay that way. 22 was the catch; I was ready for release.
In fire I was born.
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