Poems from wordiotter

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I am Taz. POPULAR POEMS: Devil's Quill; Dark Horse; Mother Mad; Daddy Damnest; They Will End Me; Stripped Voice; Tribute to TrayVon's Injustice; Decision Time; Mental Health. CONTACT ME AT trwestie@gmail.com
A actor named Girl in the original play called Life. The reviewer said Cow, Girl took to the knife. The reviewer said Hopeless, Girl took...
hands graze windows hands smear glass greasy palms ruin with their grasp, burning calm and icy rage, hands of healing, full of pain....
hands graze paper hands graze grass those hands leave wakes with their fleeting grasp the hands called hate the palms called sorrow touch...
a monster curled around my heart whispering secrets of a world filled with dark. it talons held, chips of pain. the decimation of my soul,...
a message in a bottle is my scream and my choke a message in a bottle is my suicidal note the green and glittering bottle thrown out to sea...
