Poems from wordiotter

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I am Taz. POPULAR POEMS: Devil's Quill; Dark Horse; Mother Mad; Daddy Damnest; They Will End Me; Stripped Voice; Tribute to TrayVon's Injustice; Decision Time; Mental Health. CONTACT ME AT trwestie@gmail.com
a pallette of smoke, a twist of wind, is all it takes, for creation.
my sister controlls, advises and questions. she doesnt understand, that people don't, want to debate the meaning of life at 9 am.  
my sister threw a party she is going to france living there for a year she said she wanted to say goodbye to her friends.   my  brother...
ginger root in my tea are one of few few of many little things that make life worth livivng
words are like a knife stripping flesh bare, slashing precisely, ripping out hair. words can cause pain, lash out and maim but always come...
