Poems from wordiotter

I am Taz. POPULAR POEMS: Devil's Quill; Dark Horse; Mother Mad; Daddy Damnest; They Will End Me; Stripped Voice; Tribute to TrayVon's Injustice; Decision Time; Mental Health. CONTACT ME AT trwestie@gmail.com
A simple pain,
A frightful end
My broken body is forced to bend
Again I'm hit, a resounding smack
To the floor, my face is sent
My skull...
She struggled with it.
The decision.
Yes or no?
Is this thing apart of me.
Is it my responsibility?
She berated herself.
She hated herself...
A beacon of light
That leads away,
From things far greater than hate.
A beacon of light
That leads away,
From things far greater than hate.
I was wronged
By my comrade
So he could save his own life
He turned me in
To save himself
To not die a heros death
But i exist in the...