Poems from upnorthdavid

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David grew up in Mexico. He brings a unique perspective to life in rural Michigan. Most of his poems are written spontaneously, as things catch his attention or humor him. Some of his pieces are lighthearted while others broach deeper subjects. Coffee, DIY projects, and writing are his passion. Most his poems are structured, but he does enjoy writing free verse writing from time to time.
It's new again, in a different way A friend from the past has come, and may By finding rest in an old friend's heart Renew a kinship, make...
A flag draped coffin on a stifling day With somber taps that seem to say A grateful nation, as your dead we lay Into this earth, in a...
The whirring of the plastic blades Bring such a small relief The prospect of a restless night Cements the firm belief I wasn't made for...
The sun slips down the treeline Another day takes flight The final touch of color Escapes into the night The whispers of the forrest The...
Why do you elude me? I wait for you to come! My ears are pounding like The beating of a drum I want my mind to stop These thoughts: oh the...
