Poems from upnorthdavid
David grew up in Mexico. He brings a unique perspective to life in rural Michigan. Most of his poems are written spontaneously, as things catch his attention or humor him. Some of his pieces are lighthearted while others broach deeper subjects.
Coffee, DIY projects, and writing are his passion. Most his poems are structured, but he does enjoy writing free verse writing from time to time.
An angel and an Unseen Hand
Have joined in heaven's land
And have the sweetest moments spent
Upon that golden strand
He speaks to her in...
The hate you give may be
The hate you'll receive
You give what you get,
You get what you give.
So often, this philosophy.
And so, molded...
Tiny dancer falling from the sky
Pirrouetting off her twiggy perch
Then twirling gently, gradually,
Descending to the ground below
The silver cord of friendship
Runs all throughout one's life
And strings together people:
Their souls with all their strife
It weaves a...
I hear the words
I see the lips that speak them
I feel the enthusiasm, energy
My mind is blank
My face expressionless
I've gathered no...