Poems from poorchick14

I am a aspiring actress who loves to write poetry! I love this site and would like to support the many causes, as well as get my own work out there! I'm actually saving up to go to The American Musical and Dramatic Arts Academy in Los Angeles. However, college is expensive. I actually found this website through scholarship questing.
To be a woman in some ways more masculine than man
To be a tree whose efforts bear no flowers nor fruit
To be uninteresting, unattractive,...
Are my efforts even worth a dime?
Or has this been a waste of time?
We, in unison, wrote the rules and laws
Happy and anxious we as we...
My heart; the rhythm
My footsteps support the beat
My words; the melody
My dialect defines the connotation
My breath; a rest
My eyes blink...
I had a canary once
Every morning it would sing
It was the most precious thing
I cherished it for months
Little and sweet, with feathers...
The petals wilt
The sky turns gray
There is no color
The world is monochromatic
To survive you must be a darkness fanatic
Enormous thorns...