Poems from poorchick14
I am a aspiring actress who loves to write poetry! I love this site and would like to support the many causes, as well as get my own work out there! I'm actually saving up to go to The American Musical and Dramatic Arts Academy in Los Angeles. However, college is expensive. I actually found this website through scholarship questing.
All the talent in the world won’t save you if you are ugly!
You try to have confidence
But the moment you stand, you are beaten!
You aren’t...
You must be cool and composed
You must- even when all are opposed
You must deny your morals and speak tact
You must unite your comrades,...
Mix, Match
Switch, Swap
The mysteries don’t ever stop
Flip, Flop
Criss, Cross
You’ll solve ‘em, now won’t ya boss?
Toss, Catch
Fail, Win...
Don’t, Don’t
Can’t, Won’t
You’ve used every excuse more than once
But I won’t forget
My vow above all
Against you I promise to bear a...
This is verse about me and all of you
Call me blunt- I have no tact
But I’m tired of putting on this serving act
Call it vanity, call it...