Poems from poorchick14

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I am a aspiring actress who loves to write poetry! I love this site and would like to support the many causes, as well as get my own work out there! I'm actually saving up to go to The American Musical and Dramatic Arts Academy in Los Angeles. However, college is expensive. I actually found this website through scholarship questing.
You don’t know what I’m talking about You don’t know what I want You don’t have the ability to read my mind I won’t be controlled by you I’...
If thy lovest long And thine love be pure Hate and love be twine Love is strange, rest be ‘sured Thus love maketh the blind Whether...
Yesterday, today, the same I’m too cowardly to speak your name I’ve never feared rejection like this I’ve never been afraid to shoot and...
Heart in chains Ain’t got no brains Since we was a fetus We’ve wondered who would lead us So nothing has changed I’m still deranged Still...
Pitter, Patter Scitter, Scatter Mice on the floor Bump, Thump Rock, Knock Who’s at the door? Scratching Screaming I bet she’s bleeding...
